Thursday, May 8, 2008

Christmas card from a hooker in . . .

Tom Waits just announced the dates of his Glitter and Doom summer tour, none of which are in Minneapolis.  Accompanying the tour announcement is press conference footage highlighting why we love him so much.  By we, I mean me.


kristi noser said...

See the bottle on his right? It's vodka. A few minutes ago it was full. Don't get me wrong, I like Tom Waits, but I'm just sayin'.

theswamphare said...

So, I'm a little behind the rest of the class here; he's a musician?

Bren said...

Whatcha doing for your bday?

swirlingeddy said...

Ha - I'll be all alone in New Jersey for my birthday (Thursday). When I get back, a bunch of us are going to Famous Dave's and Indiana Jones Friday night - huge fun. What better way to spend a birthday?

Happy Birthday yourself, tomorrow. Keep up the good work -