Monday, October 6, 2008

Gas goes below $3

I paid 2.999 this morning in Coon Rapids. Hmm, riiiiight before a presidential election . . .

There's no incumbent (unless you argue it's McCain), so who does this benefit politically?


Bren said...

As long as it benefits you, why ponder anything else?

swirlingeddy said...

That's what they WANT you to think!

I'm just not sure who "they" are . . .

Emunah said...

Whoever they are, they are sitting in a board room somewhere with lots of dry erase markers

Bren said...

I filled up for $2.36 last night. I could by a lot of dry erase markers with what I saved!

Ben said...

I'm sitting in a board room right now...

Anonymous said...

...on a break from sharpening some
iron this morning, on the way to get some High School Musical cereal (after experiencing popular recomendation), I filled up with $1.99 fuel and $.99 coffee - ANY size.
What is happening? The economy in a tailspin and gas station prices
in free fall, where is the security
and consistency of rising oil prices? Maybe it's all a halloween
prank gone awry.

NoOtherName said...

I think they are in a board room with lots of dry erase markers getting high on the fumes of said dry erase markers.

Ed--check my blog for a laugh.