Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Full Disclosure

We're friends, right?

I can share anything with you, no matter how embarrassing?

I was at that den of iniquity, County Market, when I came upon the cereal aisle, as I often do. There I noticed a new cereal in with the entertainment franchise product tie-in cereals. When marketers put that big yellow "New!" on the box, it's me they have in mind. I'm such a sucker for that stuff, especially related to cereal and pop.


The saddest part? It's really good, and I might go get some more, as I think it's on sale 2/$5. None of those gross marshmallows - just yummy corn crunch.

While we're at it - what's the deal with High School Musical? I think it was a theatrical-release movie, and then there was a Disney Channel-only (or straight to video-only?) sequel, and I think there is going to be a third one coming up. Let me know if I have my facts wrong. Is it also a TV show or something? It seems to be quite a cultural phenomenon. Lately on Yahoo when you start typing, it makes a list of suggested searches that matches what you're typing. You only have to get out "h-i-g" before the top suggestion is "high school musical". Has anybody seen this thing? Is it any good? How old and out of touch do I sound?


Steve Tanner at Magical Trash said...

HSM started as a Disney Channel-only event. Took off from there. Sequel was also on TV only. 3rd film will be theatrical. Don't ask why I know this.

erin said...

Highsical Musical is painful to watch.
I highly recommend it.

Bren said...

High School Musical is great. My teen daughter can watch a movie that is like 'Grease' only clean. My 7 year old can also watch it. It is cheesy and predictable and I love it. I have 3 girlfriends that have had HSM parties and we will be going to the theater when it comes out!

Anonymous said...

BFAM- I've never seen it, but apparently the reviews are overwhelmingly good, if not only on your blog. Plus, if its good enough for Erin it dang sure is good enough for me. Let's have a guys-only PJ party and the first one to fall asleep gets his panties frozen.
Light as a feather...stiff as a board.

kristi noser said...

Regarding the cereal--no cereal passes the test until you can make a sandwich out of it like that chick on the Breakfast Club.
Pixie Stix anyione?

Emunah said...

OK, I saw both HSM movies with a group of 7-10 year olds that were patients on the psych unit where I work. Despite being mostly boys, the kids seriously sang every word to every song. I was completely blown over by the level of enthusiasm. Since then, HSM seems to be everywhere. I swear these movies are a tween cultural force.

erin said...

What night is the PJ party? Can I send Richard?

Anonymous said...

Erin, please send Richard. Any successful pj party must have Richard. I'll get back to you on a date...

Kara Jo said...

We love High School Musical. It's the girls' fave. (Good thing they don't know there's a cereal out there...) Abby's birthday party last year was HS Musical-themed. We own the movies (were on Disney Channel only, as Tannerman said) and they can't wait for the 3rd to come out in the big theater!

Willow and Sprout said...

So, my favorite Izzy's has a blackberry flavor out - packaged in black for Halloween (if you're interested)!

Zack and Bella give HSM a big "thumbs up", along with Hannah Montana and Camp Rock. We don't get cable, but the kids have been requesting them on Netflix. Zack is going to be Joe Jonas (of the Jonas Brothers) for Halloween. We might have to join KJ and the girls for HSM III when it comes out soon!!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about not knowing High School Musical.

An honest sweet corn crunch is all you have ever needed... and ever will.

Your Pal,