Saturday, July 26, 2008

Counting with Eva

One . . . two . . . three . . . SEVEN!


Katie R. said...

She's right on track. My Anna's lived here all her life and that's how she counts. Must be a 3-yr.old thing. Yeah, Eva!

-V- said...

"We want cake; where's our cake?"


Bren said...

I think my kids always said 1 2 me at that age - so glad you are having so much fun!

erin said...

Isn't that how it goes?

Kara Jo said...

I love toddler counting. Nathan likes 1...2..8,9,10. And don't try to correct him.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Monty Python? oh wait - that was 1, 2, 5. (three, sir!)