Saturday, July 19, 2008

Eva's first piece of mail

She loved it, and the stickers immediately went all over her and papa.

Thanks, Annie, Jacob, and Truman!


Pam said...

Aww. Sweet.

With the dress up and the stickers, you guys must be looking pretty groovy these days.

LadyD said...

Call me a worry wart.....But,is it safe to post her full name, pictures, street address, city, and state, online? I just remember the issue V had once with some not so nice people......

The artwork is beautiful though!

Kara Jo said...

That was so thoughtful of Annie! What kid doesn't love to get their own mail, eh?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know we could send her mail! Heck yea! She'll be gettin some from me. Finally, another kid to spoil.

Anushka said...

oh happy day! sent during the week we went to Lamb's and were missing you guys. As P catches on to the mail thing, it just gets funner... ! love to all ~ a