Monday, July 14, 2008


Stayed up late on iChat with a friend the other night talking about the periodic table and looking for elements that have Facebook profiles. There are a few, but none of them have accepted my friend request yet. Also, there is an application on FB where you can take a quiz to find out what element you are. Apparently I'm hydrogen and he's iron. You can also combine with friends to make reactions. I'm not sure if iron hydride is a real compound or not. I think I'll go Google it.

You've got to have friends like that.


erin said...

Dear Ed,
You are a nerd.

swirlingeddy said...

You have no idea.

kristi noser said...

I took the test and I am Hydrogen as well. Go figure.
I've never been called a nerd tho...

kristi noser said...

I looked up the periodic table and spelled my name with the elements like you did--I've never heard of Erbium before. That was cool.

swirlingeddy said...

Lucky! I can't even do "Ed." My new nickname for you will be krypton-iodine-sulfur-titanium-nitrogen-oxygen-sulfur-erbium (if you don't mind).

kristi noser said...

not at all--I was kinda happy that I got kryptonite AND titanium, my parents sure were on the ball huh?

Jenny and Shawn said...

Very interesting, What kind of reaction occurs when you mix Hydrogen with Vonda's element? I will have to check in out for Shawn and I.